At our campsite in Rocky Mountain Park

Thursday, December 31, 2009

#3 Off and Running

Duffy romps in the snow with his ball for the last time this season (we hope!)

We thought getting ready to go would be mostly a downhill ride after the ordeal of getting stuck, but….. Packing up the RV is never easy, because you take almost everything you own, and if you own two of something, you take both of those! Of course you need all your electronic stuff, most of your clothes, all of your shoes and boots, all of the pantry and fridge food, and a ton of stuff for the RV and car, including all of your tools. Thank heaven for things like the iPod, because you can compress your CD collection. But then you forget where you put it (I’m still looking two days later)!!!

Loading water into the RV with temps in the teens is fun too. I couldn’t get the hot water running, and finally found it was a frozen bypass valve, which thawed pretty easily with the hair dryer. Of course, I was frozen by the time I found this out. Fortunately, the RV has a “basement heater” that has a fan that goes on when the heat in the RV goes on. It keeps the water and holding tanks heated. I have never used it before and put a temperature sender there that I could read from inside the RV. Kewl!

We wanted to leave the house at 9am, but got out of there at 11:45.

Waking up in St. Louis to a light covering of snow was a little

worrisome, but proved no problem when we got going. Our second day of travel was mostly in light rain, but when we arrived in Marion, just outside of Memphis, it had stopped. We decided to put the slides out, so we could store some of our stuff inside the RV – the pantry shelves and much of the bedroom storage cannot be accessed unless the slide is out. Things are a little more organized now.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

#2 Stuck in the Mud!

In retrospect, maybe three days before Christmas is not a good time to decide to get your RV out of its backyard parking space. Especially if you have not had a good hard freeze and the ground is wet from snow and soft.
Hindsight is wonderful, isn’t it?
Jared and I should have realized that things were not going to go well, when we started to remove the tarp from the roof, and found 3-4 inches of ice on the roof underneath the 5 inches of snow. Wherever there was a low point in the tarp, like inside the back rails and up front around the antennae and dish, there was ice. Maybe 50 feet square in total. Crawling around on the roof (fun with the cold, ice and snow), I was able to use my chisel and hammer and chip out blocks of ice that I slid to Jared and he tossed over the edge. After ice removal, taking the tarp off was pretty easy.
By this time the RV engine was nice and warm. I made a running start forward off of the concrete pad into the unknown. With Jared directing, we soon realized it was not going to go so smoothly, and when the back end was about 30 feet into the yard, I was stuck!! With all the torque from the motor, it was hard to tell when the wheels were spinning, and I managed to work the back wheels about 6 inches into the mud before I realized I was in big trouble. Jared knew sooner!

We briefly tried to use the hydraulic jacks to lift the back end onto some boards, but the board under the jack started to sink into the mud and tilt. Jared suggested prophetically that we get some 4X8 ¾ plywood sheets and make a “road” out, but he warned it would require 8 sheets ($$$). The whole procedure was not very promising, so we quit for the day.
After a pretty much sleepless night, I woke early and called the 18 wheeler tow truck. He arrived with a giant truck with a winch, and backed it down the long drive adjacent to my back yard – he couldn’t drive on the grass, or he would have the same problem I did. We put a receiver ball into the RV hitch and he hooked his 1 inch steel cable to it and tugged. We were able to get out of the ruts, and pulled the RV back about 30 feet, turning it a little towards the drive. He was pulling side ways, and was not able to pull too far before the angle of pull was not good and prevented further progress. Just like Jared, he told me I needed plywood sheets to go further (I guess I should listen....)
Fortunately, my neighbor come over to help, and drove me to the lumber yard where we got 8 sheets of ¾ particle board for $3 a sheet. Yes, $3! It was more or less scrap, but perfect for us. I gave the guy at the 84 Lumber yard $5 to buy some donuts for the boys. The Christmas spirit. My neighbor was kind enough to haul the wood for me.
Surprisingly, the crew (neighbor Scott, Jared, and Anne) and I were able to drive the RV right up onto the first sheets with no slip/sliding. From then on, it was pretty easy to keep moving the sheets so the RV was always on the “road”, and after about
100 feet, it was back on the drive. I said “easy” but moving all that plywood took quite a bit of work. Since I was working with not one, but two engineers and a very savvy female, we backed the RV into an almost perfect approach to the 15 foot wide driveway – having to correct by moving forward only once, I think. No problems after that driving it ‘round front.
The total distance travelled was about ½ block, so the trip to Texas will take about 4 years at this rate. Hmmm.........

Sunday, December 13, 2009

#1 Getting Ready to Go - Jan, 2010

Note: See all of our trips at:

Hello and welcome to our travel blog. Our blog is going to document our travails, er travels, and what we are seeing and doing along the way. We'll try not to bore you, but no promises!
Getting ready to travel in an RV is probably more work than most people realize. Not just mechanical things like tire pressure, windshield washer fluid, oil checks, etc., but also things like what to pack for all the weather we will see, how much food to take, making sure we have all the pet paraphernalia (forgot the leashes and collars last time!!), and uncovering the RV.
That last item is more headache than you might imagine. Right now the RV is parked in the backyard, and covered with a tarp with about a million (not quite) ropes to tie it down. So we have to untie the tarp, somehow (using a ladder) get it off of the RV without damaging things on the roof, and fold it for storage. Then driving the RV over the snow to get it up front for packing. If we have a BIG snow, it will be a BIG problem! We’ll see.....